Judge Julie Monnin

Judge Julie Monnin is a graduate of Greenville High School-Class of 1989. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a graduating class of 297. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree (B.S.) from Wright State University in 1993 and she earned her Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Dayton School of Law in 1996.
Judge Julie Monnin continues her legal education with Continuing Legal Education (CLE) classes each year. Judge Monnin was accepted into membership in the 2008 Bar College, sponsored by the Ohio State Bar Association.
Community Involvement
Judge Monnin is actively involved in our community at all levels! Judge Monnin was a member of the Citizens Against CO2 Sequestration and a strong force in our fight against this experiment. She is a member of Darke County Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Class of 2010 Top 20 under 40 Young Professionals. She is a member of Farmers’ Union, an Associate member of the Darke County Trustees Association; member of Darke County League of Women Voters; Advisory Committee member for Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC); Board member of the Darke County Visitation House, Inc. She is also a guest speaker for Darke County League of Women Voters, OSU Extension Car-teen Program and has assisted with Greenville High School students in their Mock Trial projects. She is a member of the Ohio State Bar Association, Darke County Bar Association and member of the Association of Municipal and County Court Judges. Judge Monnin supports Darke County Youth Livestock sales.
Judge Julie Monnin was born and raised in Darke County as Julie Shuttleworth, daughter of Jim and Evelyn Shuttleworth. Her parents are small business owners of Blue Spruce Realty, Inc., Greenville.
Judge Julie Monnin is married to her high school sweetheart Darryl Monnin, son of Leona Monnin and the late Donald Monnin of Versailles. Darryl is a graduate of Versailles High School, class of 1987. Darryl’s parents were small business owners before Donald’s death and Leona’s retirement of Monnin’s Custom Slaughter, Versailles.
Judge Julie Monnin is an active member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville where she is a lector, extra ordinary minister of the holy Eucharist and past-president of the Rosary Altar Society.
Judge Julie Monnin is very active in our community and enjoys sharing her education, knowledge and time in all of her volunteer service.